Why We Need to Integrate Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment.

A few months ago I got a whats app message…

A father asking potential groom…Do you know cooking as my daughter knows how to earn money

Yes…Time has changed big time. There is definitely a change in shift of mindset, attitude to turn your dreams into destiny.

At a global level, about 126 million women have started or are running their businesses and whereas in India, there are about 8 million women have started or are running their businesses. Apart from that, women have a 24% share in corporate senior management positions and in India it’s 30% for the same. Not only that, round about 37% of formal enterprises owned by women around the globe whereas 10% of formal enterprises in India are being operated by women.

Let us look at why rapid growth in women entrepreneur in India during the last few years. Better Education leads to a broad mindset. Availability of finance gives you that courage and comfort, Advanced technology to make things easy and fast, the Better support system at home front.

I come from a family where my parents and sister ..all are double Graduates. I have seen my mother doing a full-time job and running a house and taking care of kids. She is my role model.

Women Entrepreneur is incredible because at Work you are business owner Which means you are either doing or monitoring Business Development, Operation, HR, Accounts, Admin, IT and R & D. Each of this portfolio is challenging. At home, you are a wife, mother, daughter, sister, daughter in law. You have a lot of social commitment to meet. So whether your Work is a full-time job or At home, it’s a full-time job. Difficult to decide….. isn’t it.

Thanks to the advance trend of outsourcing all functions like Accounts, HR, dispatch, at times Production at work and getting the right kind of maid and cook or caretaker for kids are a blessing. Other thanks to renting a car service to save on your traveling exertion with either self-drive or public transport. Directly and indirectly, there is a reason for the growth of Women entrepreneur in India.

All women have an inherent quality of fighter. They have never given up attitude. They are best as Binding force at work and at home at the same time Best Managers to get the work done at both places. Setting priority, system, and process driven approach both at work and home, discipline in whatever you do and finally a taskmaster.

A new paradigm shifts, especially in Women’s Entrepreneur, is they are very clear about their Vision, Goals, Business Plan and strategy and review mechanism. They can be soft or strict as per need of the hour. Identifying the right talent at the right place and utilizing the resource at its optimum, is a key factor for their success.

The future looks bright for the segment this year. The number of females entrepreneurs are set to rise, with the government announcing a Rs 5000 crore credit guarantee fund under the “Stand Up India” scheme. Under this scheme, says Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, banks will provide loans at the “least applicable rate of interest”. He further noted, “Every bank branch, including the private sector, will give loans between Rs 10 lakh and 1 crore to at least one SC/ST and one woman entrepreneur under the scheme”. The Stand-Up India scheme, which was launched along with Startup India scheme on January 16, 2016, will be implemented through 1.25 lakh bank branches.

Gone are the days when women are only good at designing, fashion, and handicrafts industries, it is proved that women are tapping all the industries that come their way.

Women’s are no more a Weaker Gender but a successful & always A Sparkling star in India.